My joys: (hard to limit to three but here are three that came to mind)
1. God's little surprises and sense of humor
ie. I was painstakingly trying to perfect some cupcakes for a few friends, not wanting to be late I forwent the vision and just slapped the frosting on the top-totally not cute but we had to go. When I gave our friends the cupcakes they immediatly wiped the frosting off saying..ahh too sweet! They wouldn't have apprieciated the vision anyhow! I started laughing and laughing, God knows! example #2...I was recently laying out by waterfalls, in the mountains with some friends-the forecast predicted rain so we went out as soon as we saw the sun (we had prayed we would have a bit of sun). After an hour clouds started rolling in so we began to walk back to the car, right as we reached the road we were hit by moonsoon like rains. Running up the road 10 min to the car totally drenched we were all laughing the whole time...only God..It was like he was saying "Ok girls I can give you a bit of sun but I can only hold back nature for soo long!"

2. Being with family and friends...just being...being myself with those I love..laughing till my side hurts, singing silly songs, having deep conversations...exploring together...just being able to be Misha!
3. Traveling overseas and being totally out of my element in a foriegn land, which ironically alwasy feels like my element-learning new languages, eating new food, seeing God's creation in a new place, and loving people who are so different from me.

I miss you Africa!!
*I want to add a few extras:
-being in nature
-the joy of have a vision/thought/idea and realizing it-be it cooking, sowing, painting...
-kisses in the morning from my husband
-serving others
My fears:
1. That I won't grow, that I will stay emotionally where I am right now-writing this is thereputic bc it sounds so stupid!
2. That I wont appreciate the blessings that are right in front of me-ahh that just sounds depressing.
3. That something bad will happen to someone I love (I guess that sounds like everyones greatest fear huh)
My goals:
1. To photograph for a major publication-to use my photography to bring awareness...
2. To complete my photo documentary project
3. To live overseas in a third world country
My obsessions/collections:
1. Reading recipes online...I love doing that its soo fun!!!
2. Reading...I love to read I am reading "Walking with God" by John Eldridge, of course super refreshing
3. Eating out...often in China Town...I love to explore new restaurants or hole in the walls...I love food I love the experience of sharing a meal with friends in a new place.
Random Facts:
1. My first name is Andrea
2. Here is a good one, on an average grocery shopping day-I carry about 50 lbs of groceries in my two hands about 30 min home! (if I am thinking ahead I carry a backpack!)
3. My first memory is when I was only two years old! I don't forget anything! :)
Teri Gaines, Jill Warren, Diana D. and whoever else reads this blog! :)