Ok so I had warts removed, they were tiny and flat but they kinda covered my hand like there were 15 or so and then recently they "jumped" to the other hand, so finally I was done with these things, I was like forget this! So here I am all blistered from the dermotologist burning them off...and the blisters got WAY bigger, I had to wear like sports tape to work so I wouldn't freak out the customers. I mean just look at the expression on Emily's face who wouldn't freak at the sight of my hand! I was trying to take one of those photos you know where you lean in and take the photo of yourself with a friend....so as I was doing this Emily freaked out and this is what I captured unbeknownst to me!
Anyhow I go back in tomorrow for a check up-pray that these things are long gone!! I am ready for fresh wart free skin!
MISHA--- I think you spread these to Aubrey....JK ;)
She has them on her back. Mullculous something or other. The Dr. said they're highly contagious and will go away on their own in 1-2 years... I have them on my legs from taking baths with her. Anywho, I'm so grossed out by them, we're going to a dermatologist!!!
I have heard about those, a friends said she had them when she was little and the doc said they would go away and they did! I wish mine were the "go away kind" a few of them weren't even destroyed by the burn and are coming back to life...augh!
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