Monday, October 27, 2008

I am not sure if I should be updating this as there seems to be a lack of readers. :)

No really please if you read comment, its sooo satisfying, if you are not a blogger you may not realize it but its so fun to open and read comments from friends far away! :)

Ok updates coming soon...for now check out these cupcakes I made for a friends bday a few months back..I worked hard on them! :) (shes a baker so I had to make something top notch)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So I thought it would be fun to post all the pics of me and my friends babies, from my Cali visit, and this isn't even all of them! I met many more for the first time that I just didn't have a pic of to post!!! So fun, it was fun to spend time with my friends and see them as new moms!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

California Dreamin'

Ahh, how I love being home, we had a blast seeing so many people we love and bc we hadn't been home in over 8 months I had every moment filled with spending quality time with people. Mike was cracking me up bc at one point he said "Misha, I can't keep up with your schedule, its just soo much talking!" I truly cherished his vulnerability and his heart....sometimes I forget that I am not in need of rest as much as Mike, bc my lifestyle here in NYC is balanced and full of me time, and Mike on the other hand works super hard and hadn't had real time away from work, since Christmas, until this trip...oh my sweet love, I told him I understand but that there are so many ppl to see that we only get a chance to see once a year and that his rest time will have to be our moments in the car! :) He was totally fine with I guess next up is a vacation just the two of us so Mike can get his R&R :)I told Mike the most special part of the trip was that we were able to see on average three different people that we love dearly and who dearly love us, that we hadn't seen in almost a year or even up to four years for one friend! For those of you I didn't get a chance to see, next summer your it!!

Also after being away for so long living on couches, guest beds, and out of a suitcase, I came home and felt like a rich person! "ahh look at all this space, my big bed, my closest, my bathroom..." (ironic bc I have all of 600 sq feet) It sounds silly but truly in the little time away the Lord opened my eyes to the blessings of life here in NYC, from the details of a bathroom cabinet to my friendships here...We didn't get to bed till after 2 am bc I was soo hyper and I had to wake up for work at 5:30 but I was soo excited "I get to see my friends and coworkers and customers...yeah!" I thought. The next night after that 3 hours of sleep I slept like a baby, for 11 hours actually, and woke feeling like a princess in her palace, in her big bed looking out unto her beautiful view full of love. Ahh I trully love it here in NYC!