So what an eventful few months we have had...June started with Mike's family visiting for a week, which was fun-we got caught in a rainstorm 2xs each time getting soaked but as my sister in law Stepo says "When else would we be able to run though New York in the rain", true! Then we had Neil our good friend from SF visit, it was refreshing to spend time with an old friend, though we missed his wife Britt. And most recently my Mom and sister Emily were here. It was soooo good to see my mom, it had been over 6 months, which is way too long, and the longest we had ever gone without seeing each other. To be honest I am not a "missy" type of person, I mean I love my friends and family but even being this far away I don't often get homesick...well until I realized after about 4 months, then its been too long. So It was amazing to spend time with my moma...we spent the first week here in NYC and just doing regular stuff that I like to do, have picnics in the park, go to the beach...and then we spent a few days in Boston, where me and my mom lived years and years ago. It was nice to have that girl time-it was just me, my mom and sis, and my mom's old friend and her daughter, who we stayed with. It was nice to be in Boston and nice to reminisce-I saw my old preschool, which was surprisingly a bit emotional, not that I cried but it felt nostalgic in a special way. To be honest I think alot of the emotion was that Boston was the last place we lived with my dad (my biological father-for those of you who don't know I have 2 dads :), so it was kinda hard to remember some of those times, but good. It was good to have a new perspective of my childhood as an adult looking back.
So then after all that adventure my mom went back to Cali and my sister Emily stayed here for 2 weeks by herself, it was a fun and sweet time. Wow has my baby sister grown, she is now a "tween" (you know that phrase people are using for teenagers) anyhow so I was so impressed by her, she is truly growing into an independent beautiful young woman filled with personality and opinions!
I will share a few of our adventures on the next post for now enjoy this cute photo of us, me,em and my good friend dawn, chowing down on fries...that by the way we got for free..we had noticed them on the counter waiting to be picked up by the person that ordered them and were like "wow those look good" and the customer heard us and was like "take them we ordered two" of course we at first refused but then gave in, who could reject a huge bowl of fresh fries!!!
Glad to see you have a post! And so glad to hear that you've been having fun...without us! We miss you guys!
What a rich, rich few months you've had! Thank you so much for your email and call- you always, ALWAYS bless me! Email coming to ya soon. Love you!
I miss you and your family. I wish I could've been there!
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