Saturday, October 9, 2010

Shower, Europe-Baby Moon, and reality hits! ;)

So I have a ton of pics from my super special and fabulous baby shower in California, where my sister, mom and best friend Barbie, blessed me with a day filled with friends and food and love love love!!!!

People came from all over Southern and Northern Cal and Bakersfield to share in the joy of this time in my love on me and my baby BOY!!!

But those will have to come they are just barely being downloaded now!!!!

So here is a pic from our time in Germany. One of the days, while Mike was at a conference, I went to Heidelberg- a small, beautiful historic University town along the Neckar river- and walked the cobble stone streets and went to a cafe where I ate and read and just relaxed! So here I am trying to get a pic of the baby and me together! And for some reason I love that the guy in the background is smiling on us! :)

There's so much more to share, of being pampered by friends, not one dish did I have to do in one seeing Mike's cousins who also spoiled us-and who are super fun-(also now that I have my little baby boy I feel soo much more connected to Mike's family bc not only are they Mike's family and my in laws but my sweet son, who I am carrying in my womb, they are his family!) to meeting up with a friend, Ruth,  who I had met while working in Africa-she drove 2 hours just to see me!

Then there's Paris...lets just say I LOVE being with just my husband...and I love's like New York, the fact that its urban and diverse, but its way more charming, and old...and there are so many West African's there and you know how I love Africa....and all the pastries-my poor baby was on a sugar high I am sure! Mike and I rented a little apartment in a cute neighborhood and throughly enjoyed our time just us...two wait three! :) It was an amazing baby moon...more pics to come!

Now reality is just kicking in...pregnancy was a dream back started aching, my legs too, then my breathing started becoming awkward, and my gums so swollen it hurts to eat, and now I have canker sores covering the inside of my mouth, and its seems more come every few hours! And that has caused my lymph nodes to inflame which in turn has caused pain to run all along my jaw! Ahhh so if you read this pray that I can have a good attitude, it is really hard! But I want to have a good attitude especially for my husband and my baby-who by now can hear everything I say..ahh! :)

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