So, I went to the Michael Jackson memorial service in Harlem watching the live televised memorial with one thousand others.
It was special to share that moment in history with others, cheering "Michael, Michael," dancing to old tunes, laughing and even tearing up, knowing that millions of others around the world were doing the same. It's interesting how strangers lives are intertwined by the life of another stranger.
I am glad that I was able to have that experience with so many fans in such a significant place.
(Another reason I love New York, is how strangers come together. Its amazing how fast things happen in this city, Michael Jackson died and that same night fans gathered together at the Apollo singing and dancing in his honor, and merchants quickly filled blocks and blocks of 125th street with merchandise...of course I had to buy a few tin buttons for old times sake.)
So here are photos of the event. *side note it was fun to see the publication in magazines/newspapers the next day bc a lot of the people I photographed were featured.
i miss him too n so does the world
Great pictures Mish! Were any of your photos published?
I wrote that wrong...I meant to see other articles publication of the event...
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