Oh I forgot I also met Moby the artist...last week...Mike reminded me that if I met him I would say something to him (I told Mike that like 2 years ago and I had a little speech in my mind of what I would say bc truly I have been so inspired by his music and his heart for the world which seems to be reflected in his songs...although they are not really word based but just listen to them you will see)...well anyhow I wasn't confident that it was Moby that we saw...we were in a huge restaurant just our friends and "Moby" and I had to do it (well first I didn't I left the restaurant and then I remembered that I always told myself I would do it so I went back in)...so I went over to him put my hand on his shoulder (I guess I am a physical touch person...I forget that that may not be normal for other ppl anyhow...but I think it is more human to touch ppl) so anyhow I was like "do you just look like Moby" he said "No its me I'm Moby" and I thanked him for creating and music..and then off I went into the rainy streets of NYC, but giddy from meeting Moby...if you don't know his music you should...I love his album 18
Misha, I'm so proud of how brave you were and how you followed through with what you really wanted to do.
How cool! Thank you for redirecting me to your blog! I have enjoyed reading through it
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