Ok, I am really into this-wow, why did it take me so long! :)
I, Misha here who will probably do most of the communicating, am volunterring with a wonderful organization called the International Rescue Committee as a Youth Mentor. This is the realization of a beautiful burden the Lord placed on my heart years ago-a burden for Africa (whatever that means-the Lord fine tunes it daily). After moving to NYC I thought, "How can I help Africa while living here in the States?" then the Lord said, "Africa is Here!" The Lord is never wrong; He then put on my heart a desire to work with refugees helping them in their transition to life in of all places crazy New York City. So after: seeing a few documentaries, sending some emails, doing websearches, going to interviews and training sessions and LOTS of prayer I am Mentoring a wonderful teenager from Sierra Leonne, Umu. We immediately connected with a HUGE hug and had a blast on our first adventure together. We went picnicking in Central Park on a beautiful sunny day-it was her first time there! This is the LIFE connecting with people! Praise You Lord!
Yay Misha! Yay, for your Godly calling, your photography, your heart to serve and fellowship, and Yay for starting a blog so everyone can read about it! I love you! -Barb
Cool Misha - I am blessed you are both so happy and serving. It seems you are walking in your Ephesians 2:10 call - Take care and blessings
sweet misha you heard His voice long ago in the home of your babysitter. you have always been sensitive to the call of the Lord
you go girl! Your enthusiasm always leaves me with a spark of joy...Your calling to this is the perfect fit...God knows what he's doing!
By the way...loved the black and white photo on the blog homepage.
love and hugs from B-
town, Jules
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