Sweet boy! you are a toddler now! 18 months old!
Wow...time flies, you talk and walk...run and climb.
You are curious and inquisitive, kind and gentle, outgoing and social, silly and fun, smart and athletic and super loving! You are a big boy 85% tile and you eat a ton, and sleep well taking long naps-mommy likes that. You love balls, you sleep with a ball. And "baseball" is your favorite word, you say it first thing when you wake up..with a long s "baSeball." When people see you pitch, bat, kick, throw, they always say "wow he's good" "He is going to be a star athlete," I am so proud of your natural abilities and your passions, and I will support whatever you love. You also love to read...you pick out books and sit on our laps and listen until the whole story is finished. You are now into trucks..."brrrrrr" you rumble- your lips vibrating as you mimick the sounds of trucks and cars pointing as they pass by or when you see them in a book. And a firetruck is "Eoeoeoeo."You are a great communicator. And you love your wagon, you love wheels...you push and pull your wagon all around even to the park! And the swing is one of your favorite places at the park. You say "Weeee" with a huge smile on your face all teeth showing and head flung back, hair blowing in the breeze. I love it. And you often point to the swing next to you so I can swing with you. You are good at pumping your legs to keep up your momentum.
You also love your sister and often sing to her, "Gong Gong Gong" you sing softly and you hug and kiss my belly and give her zeerberts. I am excited for you to meet her. You are very gentle with babies and if one sticks a finger in your mouth you just freeze never biting down. You love to hug babies and gently share your toys with them. And you also love to play with toddlers, when you see a kid you really like you go over to them and sit next to them, often sharing rocks, or bark chips. When you see your Papa come home from work, you excitedly scream "Daddy!" and run and smile and laugh into his arms. You are also good and fish kissing! And you love to pray before dinner, when we say "ok lets pray," you grab each of our hands, sometimes sneaking food in before we are done, but that's ok!
You have a lot of words and surprise me with new ones often, like "Pasta" "Nite Nite" and "twash" the way you say trash is the cutest thing ever. Your favorite expression is "No Way!" I tell you to say "no thank you" no way sounds a bit sassy, but its soo cute! And other expressions like "What's that, Daddy work and Why?" have surprised me. You are obedient and passionate-sometimes you don't want to do what we say, like go home from the park or change your diaper but you usually obey, and if not are good at sitting in your chair for a time out with your little timer in hand, and we always hug at the end. I have to remind you not to flirt with me because its your time out. That's hard because you are so edible.
You love your bath time when you hear the water you say "bathtime" and help take off your shirt. We love making up silly games, and your good at cleaning up all your bath toys. And after your in your jams you brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush!
Oh did I mention your favorite foods are beans and rice, pasta, cheese, avocado, blueberries, crackers and ice cream -which you call cone after ice cream cone.
I love snuggling you and playing with you and seeing you discover, I love reading to you and right before naps when we look into each other's eyes and sing. I love making you laugh and being silly with you. I love exploring with you.
Baby boy there is so much...you are a gift! My love for you is an eternal flame! As I often tell you.
And now you are about to be potty trained tonight is your last night of diapers, I have been preparing you for weeks and processing myself, it seems this milestone is another step away from baby, which has brought tears to my eyes. But I know your ready-your a big boy! I love you son more than you may ever realize.
Our Adventures
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Almost to Solids...wow
My little man, my boy, dude, buba....
I am so in love with you...I sometimes tell you in a high pitched voice, "You are so cute that sometimes I have to talk in a squeaky voice because I don't know what to do with myself." And you always look at me and smile. I am a "Crazy Mama" as I sing! :) We have fun me and you.
And it's funny to think you are almost 6 months.
Right now you feel so much a part of me, my baby, by my side, in my arms, nursing, cuddling...You go where I go. You sleep when I put you down with bunny and a blankie and some pats on the back, and often you sleep with me in the big bed, that's your favorite spot. Often in the middle of the night I wake up and think "When did I put you in here?" oh motherhood! You are my boy and its funny to think you are becoming your own person-I mean of course! But wow!
And to think each day you grow towards independance, now your big thing is doing tip toes push ups! And sitting up, and trying to talk and say real words like "papa".
All this to say I can't believe you are going to be eating solids in a few days, right now you are made with 100% milk! And I am so proud of us! And in a few days we get to step out into the adventure of solids-new flavors and textures, I know you are ready. I can see it in your eyes, when I am nursing you and you pop off to stare at me eating my sandwich all the while licking your little lips! So buba I can't wait to see what you think of the world of food! Yum!!!
I am so in love with you...I sometimes tell you in a high pitched voice, "You are so cute that sometimes I have to talk in a squeaky voice because I don't know what to do with myself." And you always look at me and smile. I am a "Crazy Mama" as I sing! :) We have fun me and you.
And it's funny to think you are almost 6 months.
Right now you feel so much a part of me, my baby, by my side, in my arms, nursing, cuddling...You go where I go. You sleep when I put you down with bunny and a blankie and some pats on the back, and often you sleep with me in the big bed, that's your favorite spot. Often in the middle of the night I wake up and think "When did I put you in here?" oh motherhood! You are my boy and its funny to think you are becoming your own person-I mean of course! But wow!
And to think each day you grow towards independance, now your big thing is doing tip toes push ups! And sitting up, and trying to talk and say real words like "papa".
All this to say I can't believe you are going to be eating solids in a few days, right now you are made with 100% milk! And I am so proud of us! And in a few days we get to step out into the adventure of solids-new flavors and textures, I know you are ready. I can see it in your eyes, when I am nursing you and you pop off to stare at me eating my sandwich all the while licking your little lips! So buba I can't wait to see what you think of the world of food! Yum!!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Four Glorious Months!
Azariah Reed...
Our sweet boy, our pride and joy.
You are growing so big and strong!
At four months,
You started to notice texture, it was sweet at night seeing you scratch the netting on side of your cousins co-sleeper. And just the other day at a restaurant I caught you touching in wonder the brick wall behind me.
You got your first tooth at three months three weeks, on 4/1 and are getting a second one right next to it on the bottom middle. It was funny because in California people kept saying, "He looks like he's teething," you were so drooly. And after about the tenth person said that your papa and I felt bad that we didnt notice-we just thought you liked chewing your new found fingers. :) But sure enough on Monday a little tooth was sprouting up! Your papa immediatly ran out and bought you a teether and I got you some teething gel. But you haven't complained much-your tough! Why are you growing up so fast? We love it, but of course there are moments when we want to freeze time and remain in this season forever.
You drool a ton and now have found how fun it is to do zerberts on mama's shoulder, you love making that sound! And I think it feels good for your teething mouth!
You did your hugest belly laugh with me on 4/6, as I was pumping your legs (side note with a few of the scrunches you let out a little fart) and tickling your thighs...you screeched then went into this HUGE belly laugh. I got a tear in my eye. Ahh that was the best mother's day gift to hear that precious laugh. And earlier in the month you laughed with your friend Jen and your Aunt Steppo and Cousin Grace.
You just started to grab your feet. It's super cute to see you on your back with your foot in your little hand.
You reach more intentionally now and wake up reaching for your mama and papa's faces. And always with a smile. Just the other night-when you woke up right before I was about to put you in bed-I was leaning over you and you grabbed my face in your two little hands and started to talk to me, with your quite voice in little sweet low sounds. I love the way your little mouth moves with your quite voice, it opens small like the sounds you are making.
You still sleep half the night with me and continue to take up more and more of the bed!
You try to sit up by yourself. If you are leaning back on a pillow your lunge forward to try and get up, and then after a moment you tip over to the side then twist on your tummy and smile! And that's when I grab you and kiss you-again! Ahh you are such a mover sweet boy, you love to try and sit and stand.
You still stand, in fact it's hard to burp you because as soon as I turn you around to give you some pats on your back you go to "pencil" mode and stand up on my legs-no longer sitting and leaning over the palm of my hand. I even like to take your hands and have you stand on the ground, you love that and always smile huge when we do that. People always comment on how strong you are!
You rotate your body like a clock. When on your play gym one early evening I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and came over to check on you and you had done a 45 degree rotation, I was amazed. I went back to my task and came back over to find you had moved a full 180 degrees from where I had layed you down. So I sat on the couch to watch you and figure out how you had gotten there, but you were done moving.
You roll, you rolled once from your tummy to your back, but its more that you roll from your tummy to your side.
You hold your head up strong when you are on your tummy. Tummy time is not really your thing though.
You scooch forward when frustrated during tummy time. You screech and dig your feet into the ground and move up to a foot forward!
You love your new vibrating froggie chair that your Cousin Jacob gave you-he has the same one. You laugh and reach for your toys. But like most activities you like it for about 15 min then your done.
Your current sound is "AHAHAH" - like a football player going in for a tackle! People say your voice is deep.
Another sweet sound is your happy little screeches. Those are new!
You are also loud. You don't cry a lot but when you do you make sure we can hear you. But I love that about you, you are opinionated and let your voice be heard-like your mama, people have said that about us. You don't like a wet or dirty diaper, you don't like to nap alone in your crib, you love to be held, you don't like your stroller much-I guess its like most things for 15 min you love it then you want in our arms.
You are still my little baby, while you are growing in so many ways. I love that one of the only ways I can get you to sleep during nap time is to hold you close and tight in my arms, either in the cradle position with your little face nestled into my armpit, or with your head resting on my chest and your feet in the palm of my hand. Or even sweeter is when we lay down together and I tuck your little feet in between my thighs and your face near my chest and hold your little hands. You will be crying and when you get close you start breathing deeply and slowly calm down until you are fast asleep.
You are slowly discovering the fun of bath time. You kicked your feet and made a splash in the water for the first time last week, and on Saturday when lying down in the bath you propelled your body backwards, by kicking against my legs, looking like a little torpedo or a fish. Then you turned your little face and half of your eye dipped into the water and when you turned back you saw me smiling and smiled back.
That's what I love about this phase, you always look to us for reassurance. Or just look at me with adoring eyes that fill my heart. Its like your saying, "I love you mommy."
Just the other day I was in the bathroom getting ready and I glanced at you in your froggie chair and you were looking for me and when we caught eyes and I smiled at you, "Hey bubba" You smiled and went back to playing with your toys.
Also you are looking more like me, your mama. Papa said it was in your expressions and your Mimi said it was your smile. And now when you smile I think I can see me too! I like that.
But you still look like your papas clone! And I like that too.
I love dressing you. People say I dress you like a little man. My favorite outfit on you is all black-sounds funny but so "sophisticated" and urban and cute. But now with spring in full bloom I love to see you in shorts and a onesie but the best are your hats!
You love books more and more, and try and turn the pages of board books. And you talk to the pages now. And if you are fussy a book will surely capture your attention and calm you down.
The words people often use to describe you:
He looks like a little man
He looks like a thinker
I love that.
You took your first trip to the land of your forefathers-California. Everyone fell in love with you. And you had three parties. The first one at a cafe in Santa Monica-friends from college took half days off work to come see you-and the funny thing is you slept the whole time from 3:30pm-8am the next day (you were exhausted from meeting everyone)-but they loved the snuggling. The second one was at your mimi and grandpa's house, about 40 people came to see you-at one point you were nursing in the bathroom-where it was dark and quite-and before we knew it over 11 people were in there. Only you could bring a party to the bathroom! Then the third party was a bbq at your friend Cash's house-you guys have two sets of matching pjs too. Lots of old friends came to hang out with you there!
(note: there are a ton of pics with all these great people and great moments still on the computer! :) )
In California you also met your cousin Jacob and became buddies, and you bonded with your Uncle Ben over a basketball game. And all of your Aunties are in love with you. Adi fell in love with you, and Steppo made you do a huge belly laugh, and you told your Aunt Candice "I love you," and had a photo shoot with your Auntie Em, and Tia Molls loved mimicking you. Your Oma and Grandpa Cohen bought you lots of fun toys to play with. And your great Oma got attached to you, and loved your pacifier game, as did your great grandma Ruby, she called you a cutie and just fell in love with you and kept talking about how smart you are. And your mimi and grandpa were crazy about you and mimi even cuddled you in her bed-you liked that. Also your cousin Leyla fell in love with you, and as soon as you woke up she had to hold you (and she's only three). You saw lots of other people and had lots of photos taken, boy you melted so many hearts!
Also you had your first Passover-you slept through that, but still wore your kippah.
You also had your friend Jack-who is 3 months older-come to visit. His mom, Andy, is one of my good friends and that visit was our first reunion since your papa and I got married.
You have lots of friends in our building, Jen from upstairs especially loves you!
The other day we went to hang out with Nora while her mommy went to an appointment. And to entertain you I put on some music and while you were on the playmat and Nora in her vibrating chair I sang and danced for you. And I loved it. That memory will always bring me a smile. I was just being silly and you two were both looking at me with adoring eyes and full of wonder. If you had words it was as if you both were saying "Wow, look at her, that is amazing! I am having fun" You guys were so happy together, then both at the same time had a dirty diaper and near melt downs but after a change some food and a cuddle you both fell fast to sleep.
You love to talk during church, and I never know what to do, stay and listen to the sermon or go in the children's area.
Also your four month birthday was on mother's day. You and your daddy made me a nice card with photos and bought me a cute dress, and at church I got lots of flowers, then you guys took me to Brooklyn for brunch and an afternoon at the park and my favorite bookstore. The best part was just being with my guys!
Son that's you at four months. And with all these milestones, really we just love you just because your you and there's nothing you can do about it!
Our sweet boy, our pride and joy.
You are growing so big and strong!
At four months,
You started to notice texture, it was sweet at night seeing you scratch the netting on side of your cousins co-sleeper. And just the other day at a restaurant I caught you touching in wonder the brick wall behind me.
You got your first tooth at three months three weeks, on 4/1 and are getting a second one right next to it on the bottom middle. It was funny because in California people kept saying, "He looks like he's teething," you were so drooly. And after about the tenth person said that your papa and I felt bad that we didnt notice-we just thought you liked chewing your new found fingers. :) But sure enough on Monday a little tooth was sprouting up! Your papa immediatly ran out and bought you a teether and I got you some teething gel. But you haven't complained much-your tough! Why are you growing up so fast? We love it, but of course there are moments when we want to freeze time and remain in this season forever.
You drool a ton and now have found how fun it is to do zerberts on mama's shoulder, you love making that sound! And I think it feels good for your teething mouth!
You did your hugest belly laugh with me on 4/6, as I was pumping your legs (side note with a few of the scrunches you let out a little fart) and tickling your thighs...you screeched then went into this HUGE belly laugh. I got a tear in my eye. Ahh that was the best mother's day gift to hear that precious laugh. And earlier in the month you laughed with your friend Jen and your Aunt Steppo and Cousin Grace.
You just started to grab your feet. It's super cute to see you on your back with your foot in your little hand.
You reach more intentionally now and wake up reaching for your mama and papa's faces. And always with a smile. Just the other night-when you woke up right before I was about to put you in bed-I was leaning over you and you grabbed my face in your two little hands and started to talk to me, with your quite voice in little sweet low sounds. I love the way your little mouth moves with your quite voice, it opens small like the sounds you are making.
You still sleep half the night with me and continue to take up more and more of the bed!
You try to sit up by yourself. If you are leaning back on a pillow your lunge forward to try and get up, and then after a moment you tip over to the side then twist on your tummy and smile! And that's when I grab you and kiss you-again! Ahh you are such a mover sweet boy, you love to try and sit and stand.
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taken 5/10/11 cutest photo ever-love your chubby leg and diaper! and sweet face...so handsome! |
You rotate your body like a clock. When on your play gym one early evening I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and came over to check on you and you had done a 45 degree rotation, I was amazed. I went back to my task and came back over to find you had moved a full 180 degrees from where I had layed you down. So I sat on the couch to watch you and figure out how you had gotten there, but you were done moving.
You roll, you rolled once from your tummy to your back, but its more that you roll from your tummy to your side.
You hold your head up strong when you are on your tummy. Tummy time is not really your thing though.
You scooch forward when frustrated during tummy time. You screech and dig your feet into the ground and move up to a foot forward!
You love your new vibrating froggie chair that your Cousin Jacob gave you-he has the same one. You laugh and reach for your toys. But like most activities you like it for about 15 min then your done.
Your current sound is "AHAHAH" - like a football player going in for a tackle! People say your voice is deep.
Another sweet sound is your happy little screeches. Those are new!
You are also loud. You don't cry a lot but when you do you make sure we can hear you. But I love that about you, you are opinionated and let your voice be heard-like your mama, people have said that about us. You don't like a wet or dirty diaper, you don't like to nap alone in your crib, you love to be held, you don't like your stroller much-I guess its like most things for 15 min you love it then you want in our arms.
You are still my little baby, while you are growing in so many ways. I love that one of the only ways I can get you to sleep during nap time is to hold you close and tight in my arms, either in the cradle position with your little face nestled into my armpit, or with your head resting on my chest and your feet in the palm of my hand. Or even sweeter is when we lay down together and I tuck your little feet in between my thighs and your face near my chest and hold your little hands. You will be crying and when you get close you start breathing deeply and slowly calm down until you are fast asleep.
You are slowly discovering the fun of bath time. You kicked your feet and made a splash in the water for the first time last week, and on Saturday when lying down in the bath you propelled your body backwards, by kicking against my legs, looking like a little torpedo or a fish. Then you turned your little face and half of your eye dipped into the water and when you turned back you saw me smiling and smiled back.
That's what I love about this phase, you always look to us for reassurance. Or just look at me with adoring eyes that fill my heart. Its like your saying, "I love you mommy."
Just the other day I was in the bathroom getting ready and I glanced at you in your froggie chair and you were looking for me and when we caught eyes and I smiled at you, "Hey bubba" You smiled and went back to playing with your toys.
Also you are looking more like me, your mama. Papa said it was in your expressions and your Mimi said it was your smile. And now when you smile I think I can see me too! I like that.
But you still look like your papas clone! And I like that too.
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Me and you on Mother's Day-love that smile, and if you look closely you can see a little tooth! |
You love books more and more, and try and turn the pages of board books. And you talk to the pages now. And if you are fussy a book will surely capture your attention and calm you down.
The words people often use to describe you:
He looks like a little man
He looks like a thinker
I love that.
You took your first trip to the land of your forefathers-California. Everyone fell in love with you. And you had three parties. The first one at a cafe in Santa Monica-friends from college took half days off work to come see you-and the funny thing is you slept the whole time from 3:30pm-8am the next day (you were exhausted from meeting everyone)-but they loved the snuggling. The second one was at your mimi and grandpa's house, about 40 people came to see you-at one point you were nursing in the bathroom-where it was dark and quite-and before we knew it over 11 people were in there. Only you could bring a party to the bathroom! Then the third party was a bbq at your friend Cash's house-you guys have two sets of matching pjs too. Lots of old friends came to hang out with you there!
(note: there are a ton of pics with all these great people and great moments still on the computer! :) )
In California you also met your cousin Jacob and became buddies, and you bonded with your Uncle Ben over a basketball game. And all of your Aunties are in love with you. Adi fell in love with you, and Steppo made you do a huge belly laugh, and you told your Aunt Candice "I love you," and had a photo shoot with your Auntie Em, and Tia Molls loved mimicking you. Your Oma and Grandpa Cohen bought you lots of fun toys to play with. And your great Oma got attached to you, and loved your pacifier game, as did your great grandma Ruby, she called you a cutie and just fell in love with you and kept talking about how smart you are. And your mimi and grandpa were crazy about you and mimi even cuddled you in her bed-you liked that. Also your cousin Leyla fell in love with you, and as soon as you woke up she had to hold you (and she's only three). You saw lots of other people and had lots of photos taken, boy you melted so many hearts!
Also you had your first Passover-you slept through that, but still wore your kippah.
You also had your friend Jack-who is 3 months older-come to visit. His mom, Andy, is one of my good friends and that visit was our first reunion since your papa and I got married.
You have lots of friends in our building, Jen from upstairs especially loves you!
You still spend lots of time with Christine and Lydia and Teri and Nora. And you love those girls.
The other day we went to hang out with Nora while her mommy went to an appointment. And to entertain you I put on some music and while you were on the playmat and Nora in her vibrating chair I sang and danced for you. And I loved it. That memory will always bring me a smile. I was just being silly and you two were both looking at me with adoring eyes and full of wonder. If you had words it was as if you both were saying "Wow, look at her, that is amazing! I am having fun" You guys were so happy together, then both at the same time had a dirty diaper and near melt downs but after a change some food and a cuddle you both fell fast to sleep.
You love to talk during church, and I never know what to do, stay and listen to the sermon or go in the children's area.
Also your four month birthday was on mother's day. You and your daddy made me a nice card with photos and bought me a cute dress, and at church I got lots of flowers, then you guys took me to Brooklyn for brunch and an afternoon at the park and my favorite bookstore. The best part was just being with my guys!
in Dumbo, Brooklyn |
Monday, April 11, 2011
Still Wearing Yoga Pants
It's been over three months and I am still in Yoga pants, and leggings. And while people may think I am back in my jeans I am really only wearing jeggings!
Clothes-post baby! :)
I feel great about my body, but a body post c-section is no canidate for jeans, or really pants at all. It took me a week to wear any bottoms what so ever! I was in a robe for ever.
Now my favorite outfit is a nursing tank and fitted yoga pants. Some out there may think this is no fashion statement, but throw on a pair of camel colored riding boots and a long jean top or a flowy cardigan and yes you have fashion! Ahhh I am so comfortable.
But, even more than that, yoga pants remind me of this adventure I have found myself on-the joyous adventure of motherhood-and the friends I share it with.
I have two close friends in the city who also had their babies recently-just days from Azariah, and we are all still in yoga pants.
Often we see each other and ask, "Have you tried on your jeans yet?" "Oh, yes, but how did they ever fit? The closest the button gets is inches away from the hole. You?" "No not yet, still in yoga pants."
And I realized recently what an absolute blessing these women are in my life-of course I already knew that-but it hit me how amazing it is to have them to share this season of life, as new mamas!
I love that I can call them and talk about night feedings, nap times, and milestones, and we know what each other is talking about. And, even more than that they celebrate with me Azariah's little victories, his coos and smiles, and I in their daughter's. I love that we often spend afternoons chatting and nursing and feel totally free to do so. We have analyzed each other's babys poo to see if our baby's is normal...I mean with your first how do you know? :) I love that we know what it means to manually express milk into a bottle while in a car with a screaming baby! (yes I have done that) We know what a true success it is to take a shower and cook dinner-both in the same day! And I love that with them there is no pressure to perform-we can just be and enjoy being mother's together.
I also love that my son knows them and their babies. That he is already sharing life with people and that he is already learning about friendship-not only through our example-but that he is and will learn about friendship through being friends with these two babies. I mean they were the first kids his age he met, the first he reached out to touch-he reached out to touch Lydia's hand a few weeks back, ahh melt. They are the first humans his age that he has talked with, real baby conversations. I have him and Nora on video! In part he is learning about himself through them.
This is a gift from the Lord. It is rare-to have a friend who can celebrate your life with you and you in there's. Thank you God for these women and their girls.
I love that I am not the only one still wearing yoga pants.
Clothes-post baby! :)
I feel great about my body, but a body post c-section is no canidate for jeans, or really pants at all. It took me a week to wear any bottoms what so ever! I was in a robe for ever.
Now my favorite outfit is a nursing tank and fitted yoga pants. Some out there may think this is no fashion statement, but throw on a pair of camel colored riding boots and a long jean top or a flowy cardigan and yes you have fashion! Ahhh I am so comfortable.
But, even more than that, yoga pants remind me of this adventure I have found myself on-the joyous adventure of motherhood-and the friends I share it with.
I have two close friends in the city who also had their babies recently-just days from Azariah, and we are all still in yoga pants.
Often we see each other and ask, "Have you tried on your jeans yet?" "Oh, yes, but how did they ever fit? The closest the button gets is inches away from the hole. You?" "No not yet, still in yoga pants."
And I realized recently what an absolute blessing these women are in my life-of course I already knew that-but it hit me how amazing it is to have them to share this season of life, as new mamas!
I love that I can call them and talk about night feedings, nap times, and milestones, and we know what each other is talking about. And, even more than that they celebrate with me Azariah's little victories, his coos and smiles, and I in their daughter's. I love that we often spend afternoons chatting and nursing and feel totally free to do so. We have analyzed each other's babys poo to see if our baby's is normal...I mean with your first how do you know? :) I love that we know what it means to manually express milk into a bottle while in a car with a screaming baby! (yes I have done that) We know what a true success it is to take a shower and cook dinner-both in the same day! And I love that with them there is no pressure to perform-we can just be and enjoy being mother's together.
I also love that my son knows them and their babies. That he is already sharing life with people and that he is already learning about friendship-not only through our example-but that he is and will learn about friendship through being friends with these two babies. I mean they were the first kids his age he met, the first he reached out to touch-he reached out to touch Lydia's hand a few weeks back, ahh melt. They are the first humans his age that he has talked with, real baby conversations. I have him and Nora on video! In part he is learning about himself through them.
This is a gift from the Lord. It is rare-to have a friend who can celebrate your life with you and you in there's. Thank you God for these women and their girls.
I love that I am not the only one still wearing yoga pants.
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Christine and Lydia first meet Azariah-Azariah just over one week |
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Teri and Nora and Azariah and I-the kids' first date-our first time out together post birth |
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Nora and Azariah vacationing in the Hamptons together April 2 |
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Christine and I with our fine tuned cake pops! |
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Where have we been?
I have been in babyland with my sweet boy, AZARIAH REED COHEN, aka, my baby, hersi, bubba, bubbalino, bubbsters, chunksters, mijo, mijito, Azizi
Starting each morning with smiles and kisses and now bear hugs!
My guy is quite a chunker, at two months weighing in at 14lbs, 10oz, and 24.5 inches long!
He can now hold his little head up, he has such a strong neck! And I can't even remember when it all happened I just noticed about two weeks ago that I didn't need to cradle his little face when I burped him-which by the way burping him is my favorite thing. His sweet eyes bug out and his cheeks shake and its just sooo beyond cute!
He now loves to do "crunches," when on his back you can see him stretch his little face-straining to get up-and try and lift up his shoulders, I remind him that I can't even do a crunch! : ) So we give him our index finger and he grips it lifting himself first into a sitting position then a standing position!
Also he talks a lot and totally mimics our intonations, it started at 3 weeks 5 days with "OaaOaa" and now "I love you."
He also loves his pacifier game, where I say "For baby, for mama" and back and forth. And as of Monday the 28th, when I say "Can mama have a turn?," he spits it out and gives me a turn! And I was just talking to him not expecting him to respond!
Ahh he is a cutie, I love sleeping with him and cuddling him, but as of late he has become quite the mover so at times I have to sleep next to him, not with him embraced on my chest as the early days!
So time is moving fast-as everyone says. At times I can't believe how fast, when he grows out of clothes, or stops crying during diaper changes-now he laughs, but the first five weeks were crying accompanyied by coughing! And when he makes a new sound or reaches a new milestone, I can't believe how fast he's growing! And I love it, while at times I am sad about how fast it's going, but I am embracing the now, and anticipating his next milestones.
Ahh but really I would love to stop time just for a moment...it's so amazing! To think I have been given the gift of this precious little boy. And upon reviewing videos of him-looking at his lil newborn eyes which were barely begining to follow our faces and looking at him now it really hit me how everything he knows he has learned from us. HUMBLING. And amazing. To think his little sounds and laughs and everything he is learning in the warm embrace of our love! Ahhh, I am so glad to offer my boy a sweet, safe, loving, fun, joyful home full of prayer and worship and peace!
So as of late we sleep until he wakes us up, that can be as early as 6am or as late as 8:50-but more like 7. And we play, often on the play mat-now grabbing the rings, and read and Mike takes him for daddy time-sometimes that means to Starbucks in the Ergo. And then he brings him back to bed with me where me and my lil guy take our morning nap together, then up and diaper changes, nursing, more play time, and-of course- sometimes a photo shoot, talking, reading, games, dancing, and singing happens...maybe eating for mama, and a shower with Azariah in his cradle in the bathroom-he loves the sound of water and really enjoys that time-and even chores, sometimes even baking! He loves to watch everything I do, so I found I can make the bed if I sing a song to him about making the bed and I can put away the laundry as long as he can see me in the closet, or I put him in the hallway so he can watch while I cook dinner and we sing away-he loves that, often throwing his hands up and laughing!
I am in love...
A song I made up for my boy, "We are in love, we are in love, me and my boy, my pride and joy, he is my son, number one!"
Then we usually have our friends over, or we go to a friend's house. We often hang out with our neighbor Christine and her daughter Lydia, eight days his senior, and my childhood friend Teri and her daughter Nora, born 21 hours before Azariah and in the same hospital!
We also love to meet up with friends for lunch or a walk, and all the ladies love Azariah-he gets lots of kisses! (I have to upload photos of all the people who love him and visit him). And we have had lots of out-of-town visitors, Oma, and Papau, and Mimi and Grandpa, and Tia Molly, Auntie Em, and Aunt Candice and Uncle-to-be Dominic, and our friend Julie! And other times we just have a little adventure. Our favorite spots are Bloomingdales for frozen yogurt or Alice's Tea Cup for scones. But recently we have expanded our journeys to include the West Village and Soho. And often I love to just stay in with my boy, soaking up the day together!
Then daddy comes home and we all play and then get ready for bath time-putting on the humidifier, heating up the room, turning off the lights save a little lamp, and turning on the shower to steam up the cold bathroom! We found that if we don't get him in the bath by 8:30 its too late, he's too exhausted and just falls asleep-a few times while in the bath-ahh too cute! He gets so relaxed in the bath. I sit with him in the water and Mike washes him-of course perfectly we all know Mike and cleaning! :) Then Mike wraps him in a towel and does baby massage with him in his arms, then dresses him in his pjs, that is the hard part...the sleeves...ahh darn those things! :)
Then we put him in his "pocket" aka, sleep sack, and lay him in his cradle-which we all love-and read him a book. Ok we started this routine when he was just shy of five weeks and since the beginning he loves it! He really looks intently at each page as we read and a few weeks ago started laughing and cooing as we read. He loves books-fewww-because we are book lovers in this family! I am obsessed with childrens books...I love the graphics! Our new favorite is "Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes" which reminds us the children around the world are all the same, they all have ten fingers and ten toes!
Then we each hold one hand and we pray over him, thanking God for the blessings of the day and praying for others, and the day to come, and of course for Azariah's sleep and his life. And sometimes he closes his eyes during that part. Then we turn on sleepy sheep (to the ocean setting) and say "I love you bubba" and give him a kiss on the lips. And almost immediately he kinks his head to one side and is out! He sleeps a good 3-4 hours and then wakes up around 1 am to nurse, and that's when I put him to bed with us, and then he nurses and falls back to sleep a few times throughout the night until about 6-8am, where he wakes up first by moving side to side over and over then slowly opening his eyes and with a huge smile! He used to wake up talking-I think that's when he first found his voice-but now he is more like his mama waking up a bit sleepy!
And this is our life...
The Best Life!
We love you bubbalino!
I have been in babyland with my sweet boy, AZARIAH REED COHEN, aka, my baby, hersi, bubba, bubbalino, bubbsters, chunksters, mijo, mijito, Azizi
Starting each morning with smiles and kisses and now bear hugs!
My guy is quite a chunker, at two months weighing in at 14lbs, 10oz, and 24.5 inches long!
He can now hold his little head up, he has such a strong neck! And I can't even remember when it all happened I just noticed about two weeks ago that I didn't need to cradle his little face when I burped him-which by the way burping him is my favorite thing. His sweet eyes bug out and his cheeks shake and its just sooo beyond cute!
He now loves to do "crunches," when on his back you can see him stretch his little face-straining to get up-and try and lift up his shoulders, I remind him that I can't even do a crunch! : ) So we give him our index finger and he grips it lifting himself first into a sitting position then a standing position!
Also he talks a lot and totally mimics our intonations, it started at 3 weeks 5 days with "OaaOaa" and now "I love you."
He also loves his pacifier game, where I say "For baby, for mama" and back and forth. And as of Monday the 28th, when I say "Can mama have a turn?," he spits it out and gives me a turn! And I was just talking to him not expecting him to respond!
Ahh he is a cutie, I love sleeping with him and cuddling him, but as of late he has become quite the mover so at times I have to sleep next to him, not with him embraced on my chest as the early days!
So time is moving fast-as everyone says. At times I can't believe how fast, when he grows out of clothes, or stops crying during diaper changes-now he laughs, but the first five weeks were crying accompanyied by coughing! And when he makes a new sound or reaches a new milestone, I can't believe how fast he's growing! And I love it, while at times I am sad about how fast it's going, but I am embracing the now, and anticipating his next milestones.
Ahh but really I would love to stop time just for a moment...it's so amazing! To think I have been given the gift of this precious little boy. And upon reviewing videos of him-looking at his lil newborn eyes which were barely begining to follow our faces and looking at him now it really hit me how everything he knows he has learned from us. HUMBLING. And amazing. To think his little sounds and laughs and everything he is learning in the warm embrace of our love! Ahhh, I am so glad to offer my boy a sweet, safe, loving, fun, joyful home full of prayer and worship and peace!
So as of late we sleep until he wakes us up, that can be as early as 6am or as late as 8:50-but more like 7. And we play, often on the play mat-now grabbing the rings, and read and Mike takes him for daddy time-sometimes that means to Starbucks in the Ergo. And then he brings him back to bed with me where me and my lil guy take our morning nap together, then up and diaper changes, nursing, more play time, and-of course- sometimes a photo shoot, talking, reading, games, dancing, and singing happens...maybe eating for mama, and a shower with Azariah in his cradle in the bathroom-he loves the sound of water and really enjoys that time-and even chores, sometimes even baking! He loves to watch everything I do, so I found I can make the bed if I sing a song to him about making the bed and I can put away the laundry as long as he can see me in the closet, or I put him in the hallway so he can watch while I cook dinner and we sing away-he loves that, often throwing his hands up and laughing!
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Azariah Wens the 30th laughing as I sang to him from the kitchen. I love his leg warmers, his dad-not so much! |
I am in love...
A song I made up for my boy, "We are in love, we are in love, me and my boy, my pride and joy, he is my son, number one!"
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One of our many photo shoots 3.30.11, 11 weeks old |
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My view during our nap time! |
Then we usually have our friends over, or we go to a friend's house. We often hang out with our neighbor Christine and her daughter Lydia, eight days his senior, and my childhood friend Teri and her daughter Nora, born 21 hours before Azariah and in the same hospital!
Azariah, six weeks old, and Lydia, seven weeks old |
Azariah and Nora, both 11 weeks
A recent adventure for us three mamas was making CAKE POPS! Ahh I was so impressed with us, with our three lil babes just under three months! I am beyond blessed by those ladies in my life, and for their babies-Azariah loves to hang out with his friends. At first they wouldn't make eye contact, they just couldn't capture each other's attention. But now that they talk, ahhh its adorable. One day me and Christine sat our kids on the table facing each other and they had a full on conversation, Azariah hunched forward looking intently at Lydia, crinkling his forehead while listening, then after she was done talking his face would light up his eyebrows arch and a huge smile would come out followed by "gees" and "gaas" ahhh, Melt.We also love to meet up with friends for lunch or a walk, and all the ladies love Azariah-he gets lots of kisses! (I have to upload photos of all the people who love him and visit him). And we have had lots of out-of-town visitors, Oma, and Papau, and Mimi and Grandpa, and Tia Molly, Auntie Em, and Aunt Candice and Uncle-to-be Dominic, and our friend Julie! And other times we just have a little adventure. Our favorite spots are Bloomingdales for frozen yogurt or Alice's Tea Cup for scones. But recently we have expanded our journeys to include the West Village and Soho. And often I love to just stay in with my boy, soaking up the day together!
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On the way home from an afternoon on the town! 3.24.11 |
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A smile after bath time, this was from his first bath that actually was full of tears on 1.30.11 |
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Reading before bed on 3.13.11, 9 weeks old |
And this is our life...
We love you bubbalino!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Nine Months!
Baby A.....
Sweet Baby Boy!! You are going to make your appearance any moment now! We don't know when and are very excited...sometimes nervous...but always full of joy and anticipation. At times my heart skips a beat, like when falling in love...other times my heart beats fast and I feel a little overwhelmed and unprepared! But I think that is the beauty of motherhood..how God designed it. That ultimately we are not the ones in control He is! We are given the great responsibility to nurture you but ultimately our great God is our guide and voice of wisdom...everything good is from him. And from the start we have to completely depend on him, trust that God loves you more than I and that he will guide your daddy and I to take perfect care of you. It is God who has graciously entrusted you to us-our grace gift! He knows we can do it, from our first touch to dressing you for this cold weather, to nursing to raising you to be a young boy of integrity and a man of conviction and passion. God is here with us!
I can't believe this precious journey of us being so close-you in my body, my womb-is coming to an end. I am sure I will miss this special time we have shared, feeling your little kicks and twirls and little legs and feet...I am sure I will miss knowing you are so close and secure and comfy. And the tender moments me and your daddy share talking with you and waiting for you to react! :) But we must together make these first steps toward independence! :) Funny while you will be totally dependent on me in many many ways- I am excited to see the beauty in God's design-you will be a bit more independent than you were in the womb. And every day our job is to give you the love, nurturing, tools, encouragement, support and respect... that you need to grow into you-you a part of us but your own person! As dad says when I poke you in the womb, "Let him be he is his own person."
So sweet boy, we have prayed, prepared, and waited for this day-whenever you want we are ready for you, to hold you in our arms and hear your little breathes, to kiss your lips and caress your little rolls, (which I am sure you have) to look into your eyes. To be the first to expose you to all your senses! I pray the first sounds you hear are words of LOVE, the first things you smell are the comforting scents of your mama and papa, the first things you feel are the strong arms of your daddy as he passes you to me-then next the warmth of my chest, the first thing you taste-if you are a little licker-the salt of my skin! :) The first thing you see are the loving faces of your father and mother.
I am so full of joy that we are given this great gift to expose you to all the beauty of this Earth...I can't wait for you to see your little view kiddo!!!! World Class...you are our New York baby and who knows how long we will be here, but I pray that this city will always hold a special place in your heart-the city you were created in and born in...a city that is full of people who are praying for you and already love you...a city full of need, a city full of adventure and creativity, full of people and diversity...Son this is your city! Can't wait to welcome you into this place!
Also I can't wait for you to meet your grandparents and aunts and uncles...to share the joy of you with them...they are anxiously awaiting your arrival...Our lives will never be the same! Truly!
Our first born.
We love you son.
And I know we can do this, me ,you and your daddy-you will come out smooth and with ease! Its our labor and we can do it!
"From the Lips of Children and Infants He has ordained Praise!" Psalm 10
Love you to infinity,
Sweet Baby Boy!! You are going to make your appearance any moment now! We don't know when and are very excited...sometimes nervous...but always full of joy and anticipation. At times my heart skips a beat, like when falling in love...other times my heart beats fast and I feel a little overwhelmed and unprepared! But I think that is the beauty of motherhood..how God designed it. That ultimately we are not the ones in control He is! We are given the great responsibility to nurture you but ultimately our great God is our guide and voice of wisdom...everything good is from him. And from the start we have to completely depend on him, trust that God loves you more than I and that he will guide your daddy and I to take perfect care of you. It is God who has graciously entrusted you to us-our grace gift! He knows we can do it, from our first touch to dressing you for this cold weather, to nursing to raising you to be a young boy of integrity and a man of conviction and passion. God is here with us!
I can't believe this precious journey of us being so close-you in my body, my womb-is coming to an end. I am sure I will miss this special time we have shared, feeling your little kicks and twirls and little legs and feet...I am sure I will miss knowing you are so close and secure and comfy. And the tender moments me and your daddy share talking with you and waiting for you to react! :) But we must together make these first steps toward independence! :) Funny while you will be totally dependent on me in many many ways- I am excited to see the beauty in God's design-you will be a bit more independent than you were in the womb. And every day our job is to give you the love, nurturing, tools, encouragement, support and respect... that you need to grow into you-you a part of us but your own person! As dad says when I poke you in the womb, "Let him be he is his own person."
So sweet boy, we have prayed, prepared, and waited for this day-whenever you want we are ready for you, to hold you in our arms and hear your little breathes, to kiss your lips and caress your little rolls, (which I am sure you have) to look into your eyes. To be the first to expose you to all your senses! I pray the first sounds you hear are words of LOVE, the first things you smell are the comforting scents of your mama and papa, the first things you feel are the strong arms of your daddy as he passes you to me-then next the warmth of my chest, the first thing you taste-if you are a little licker-the salt of my skin! :) The first thing you see are the loving faces of your father and mother.
I am so full of joy that we are given this great gift to expose you to all the beauty of this Earth...I can't wait for you to see your little view kiddo!!!! World Class...you are our New York baby and who knows how long we will be here, but I pray that this city will always hold a special place in your heart-the city you were created in and born in...a city that is full of people who are praying for you and already love you...a city full of need, a city full of adventure and creativity, full of people and diversity...Son this is your city! Can't wait to welcome you into this place!
Also I can't wait for you to meet your grandparents and aunts and uncles...to share the joy of you with them...they are anxiously awaiting your arrival...Our lives will never be the same! Truly!
Our first born.
We love you son.
And I know we can do this, me ,you and your daddy-you will come out smooth and with ease! Its our labor and we can do it!
"From the Lips of Children and Infants He has ordained Praise!" Psalm 10
Love you to infinity,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Your Daddy Loves You!!!
My husband is amazing. I am so in love more and more each day.
Towards the early part of the pregnancy he began reading "The Expectant Father," and infact was reading it tonight...informing me of all our milestones...its so sweet-also considering he works so hard and doesn't often have energy to read before bed-but he is energized by you baby boy!
And here he is painting...while I rested on the coach-no toxic fumes for me! (But I did tape the walls and take down all the photos...) He did an awesome job, it is the perfect calming grey.
I love this last photo...here he stands as a proud Father, I can see it in his face as he stands over the crib he is putting together for his little man!
Wow, "We made a human," we say to each other often lately! It's hard to believe-what a gift!
Baby boy,
"He's so close, yet so far," your dad said recently as the doctor reached in and touched your little head! It's like you are right there- of course we can feel you wiggle in my tummy-but your still so far...we long to see your cute little face and hold your warm little body and soak up every part of you, breathe in every breath of you! (also you are in the perfect position for birth head down face back-your so sweet and so smart; you are getting ready to rocket out into the world huh!)
The room is getting ready, the drawers are filled-clothes washed, the furniture is set up...now its just the details...we-of course-want everything to be just perfect for your arrival!
Ok love bug...that's all for now.
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here daddy is spoiling us, cooking a yummy meal with saffron |
And here he is painting...while I rested on the coach-no toxic fumes for me! (But I did tape the walls and take down all the photos...) He did an awesome job, it is the perfect calming grey.
I love this last photo...here he stands as a proud Father, I can see it in his face as he stands over the crib he is putting together for his little man!
Wow, "We made a human," we say to each other often lately! It's hard to believe-what a gift!
Baby boy,
"He's so close, yet so far," your dad said recently as the doctor reached in and touched your little head! It's like you are right there- of course we can feel you wiggle in my tummy-but your still so far...we long to see your cute little face and hold your warm little body and soak up every part of you, breathe in every breath of you! (also you are in the perfect position for birth head down face back-your so sweet and so smart; you are getting ready to rocket out into the world huh!)
The room is getting ready, the drawers are filled-clothes washed, the furniture is set up...now its just the details...we-of course-want everything to be just perfect for your arrival!
Ok love bug...that's all for now.
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35 1/2weeks |
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