Sweet boy! you are a toddler now! 18 months old!
Wow...time flies, you talk and walk...run and climb.
You are curious and inquisitive, kind and gentle, outgoing and social, silly and fun, smart and athletic and super loving! You are a big boy 85% tile and you eat a ton, and sleep well taking long naps-mommy likes that. You love balls, you sleep with a ball. And "baseball" is your favorite word, you say it first thing when you wake up..with a long s "baSeball." When people see you pitch, bat, kick, throw, they always say "wow he's good" "He is going to be a star athlete," I am so proud of your natural abilities and your passions, and I will support whatever you love. You also love to read...you pick out books and sit on our laps and listen until the whole story is finished. You are now into trucks..."brrrrrr" you rumble- your lips vibrating as you mimick the sounds of trucks and cars pointing as they pass by or when you see them in a book. And a firetruck is "Eoeoeoeo."You are a great communicator. And you love your wagon, you love wheels...you push and pull your wagon all around even to the park! And the swing is one of your favorite places at the park. You say "Weeee" with a huge smile on your face all teeth showing and head flung back, hair blowing in the breeze. I love it. And you often point to the swing next to you so I can swing with you. You are good at pumping your legs to keep up your momentum.
You also love your sister and often sing to her, "Gong Gong Gong" you sing softly and you hug and kiss my belly and give her zeerberts. I am excited for you to meet her. You are very gentle with babies and if one sticks a finger in your mouth you just freeze never biting down. You love to hug babies and gently share your toys with them. And you also love to play with toddlers, when you see a kid you really like you go over to them and sit next to them, often sharing rocks, or bark chips. When you see your Papa come home from work, you excitedly scream "Daddy!" and run and smile and laugh into his arms. You are also good and fish kissing! And you love to pray before dinner, when we say "ok lets pray," you grab each of our hands, sometimes sneaking food in before we are done, but that's ok!
You have a lot of words and surprise me with new ones often, like "Pasta" "Nite Nite" and "twash" the way you say trash is the cutest thing ever. Your favorite expression is "No Way!" I tell you to say "no thank you" no way sounds a bit sassy, but its soo cute! And other expressions like "What's that, Daddy work and Why?" have surprised me. You are obedient and passionate-sometimes you don't want to do what we say, like go home from the park or change your diaper but you usually obey, and if not are good at sitting in your chair for a time out with your little timer in hand, and we always hug at the end. I have to remind you not to flirt with me because its your time out. That's hard because you are so edible.
You love your bath time when you hear the water you say "bathtime" and help take off your shirt. We love making up silly games, and your good at cleaning up all your bath toys. And after your in your jams you brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush!
Oh did I mention your favorite foods are beans and rice, pasta, cheese, avocado, blueberries, crackers and ice cream -which you call cone after ice cream cone.
I love snuggling you and playing with you and seeing you discover, I love reading to you and right before naps when we look into each other's eyes and sing. I love making you laugh and being silly with you. I love exploring with you.
Baby boy there is so much...you are a gift! My love for you is an eternal flame! As I often tell you.
And now you are about to be potty trained tonight is your last night of diapers, I have been preparing you for weeks and processing myself, it seems this milestone is another step away from baby, which has brought tears to my eyes. But I know your ready-your a big boy! I love you son more than you may ever realize.