My little man, my boy, dude, buba....
I am so in love with you...I sometimes tell you in a high pitched voice, "You are so cute that sometimes I have to talk in a squeaky voice because I don't know what to do with myself." And you always look at me and smile. I am a "Crazy Mama" as I sing! :) We have fun me and you.
And it's funny to think you are almost 6 months.
Right now you feel so much a part of me, my baby, by my side, in my arms, nursing, cuddling...You go where I go. You sleep when I put you down with bunny and a blankie and some pats on the back, and often you sleep with me in the big bed, that's your favorite spot. Often in the middle of the night I wake up and think "When did I put you in here?" oh motherhood! You are my boy and its funny to think you are becoming your own person-I mean of course! But wow!
And to think each day you grow towards independance, now your big thing is doing tip toes push ups! And sitting up, and trying to talk and say real words like "papa".
All this to say I can't believe you are going to be eating solids in a few days, right now you are made with 100% milk! And I am so proud of us! And in a few days we get to step out into the adventure of solids-new flavors and textures, I know you are ready. I can see it in your eyes, when I am nursing you and you pop off to stare at me eating my sandwich all the while licking your little lips! So buba I can't wait to see what you think of the world of food! Yum!!!