Our sweet boy, our pride and joy.
You are growing so big and strong!
At four months,
You started to notice texture, it was sweet at night seeing you scratch the netting on side of your cousins co-sleeper. And just the other day at a restaurant I caught you touching in wonder the brick wall behind me.
You got your first tooth at three months three weeks, on 4/1 and are getting a second one right next to it on the bottom middle. It was funny because in California people kept saying, "He looks like he's teething," you were so drooly. And after about the tenth person said that your papa and I felt bad that we didnt notice-we just thought you liked chewing your new found fingers. :) But sure enough on Monday a little tooth was sprouting up! Your papa immediatly ran out and bought you a teether and I got you some teething gel. But you haven't complained much-your tough! Why are you growing up so fast? We love it, but of course there are moments when we want to freeze time and remain in this season forever.
You drool a ton and now have found how fun it is to do zerberts on mama's shoulder, you love making that sound! And I think it feels good for your teething mouth!
You did your hugest belly laugh with me on 4/6, as I was pumping your legs (side note with a few of the scrunches you let out a little fart) and tickling your thighs...you screeched then went into this HUGE belly laugh. I got a tear in my eye. Ahh that was the best mother's day gift to hear that precious laugh. And earlier in the month you laughed with your friend Jen and your Aunt Steppo and Cousin Grace.
You just started to grab your feet. It's super cute to see you on your back with your foot in your little hand.
You reach more intentionally now and wake up reaching for your mama and papa's faces. And always with a smile. Just the other night-when you woke up right before I was about to put you in bed-I was leaning over you and you grabbed my face in your two little hands and started to talk to me, with your quite voice in little sweet low sounds. I love the way your little mouth moves with your quite voice, it opens small like the sounds you are making.
You still sleep half the night with me and continue to take up more and more of the bed!
You try to sit up by yourself. If you are leaning back on a pillow your lunge forward to try and get up, and then after a moment you tip over to the side then twist on your tummy and smile! And that's when I grab you and kiss you-again! Ahh you are such a mover sweet boy, you love to try and sit and stand.
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taken 5/10/11 cutest photo ever-love your chubby leg and diaper! and sweet face...so handsome! |
You rotate your body like a clock. When on your play gym one early evening I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and came over to check on you and you had done a 45 degree rotation, I was amazed. I went back to my task and came back over to find you had moved a full 180 degrees from where I had layed you down. So I sat on the couch to watch you and figure out how you had gotten there, but you were done moving.
You roll, you rolled once from your tummy to your back, but its more that you roll from your tummy to your side.
You hold your head up strong when you are on your tummy. Tummy time is not really your thing though.
You scooch forward when frustrated during tummy time. You screech and dig your feet into the ground and move up to a foot forward!
You love your new vibrating froggie chair that your Cousin Jacob gave you-he has the same one. You laugh and reach for your toys. But like most activities you like it for about 15 min then your done.
Your current sound is "AHAHAH" - like a football player going in for a tackle! People say your voice is deep.
Another sweet sound is your happy little screeches. Those are new!
You are also loud. You don't cry a lot but when you do you make sure we can hear you. But I love that about you, you are opinionated and let your voice be heard-like your mama, people have said that about us. You don't like a wet or dirty diaper, you don't like to nap alone in your crib, you love to be held, you don't like your stroller much-I guess its like most things for 15 min you love it then you want in our arms.
You are still my little baby, while you are growing in so many ways. I love that one of the only ways I can get you to sleep during nap time is to hold you close and tight in my arms, either in the cradle position with your little face nestled into my armpit, or with your head resting on my chest and your feet in the palm of my hand. Or even sweeter is when we lay down together and I tuck your little feet in between my thighs and your face near my chest and hold your little hands. You will be crying and when you get close you start breathing deeply and slowly calm down until you are fast asleep.
You are slowly discovering the fun of bath time. You kicked your feet and made a splash in the water for the first time last week, and on Saturday when lying down in the bath you propelled your body backwards, by kicking against my legs, looking like a little torpedo or a fish. Then you turned your little face and half of your eye dipped into the water and when you turned back you saw me smiling and smiled back.
That's what I love about this phase, you always look to us for reassurance. Or just look at me with adoring eyes that fill my heart. Its like your saying, "I love you mommy."
Just the other day I was in the bathroom getting ready and I glanced at you in your froggie chair and you were looking for me and when we caught eyes and I smiled at you, "Hey bubba" You smiled and went back to playing with your toys.
Also you are looking more like me, your mama. Papa said it was in your expressions and your Mimi said it was your smile. And now when you smile I think I can see me too! I like that.
But you still look like your papas clone! And I like that too.
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Me and you on Mother's Day-love that smile, and if you look closely you can see a little tooth! |
You love books more and more, and try and turn the pages of board books. And you talk to the pages now. And if you are fussy a book will surely capture your attention and calm you down.
The words people often use to describe you:
He looks like a little man
He looks like a thinker
I love that.
You took your first trip to the land of your forefathers-California. Everyone fell in love with you. And you had three parties. The first one at a cafe in Santa Monica-friends from college took half days off work to come see you-and the funny thing is you slept the whole time from 3:30pm-8am the next day (you were exhausted from meeting everyone)-but they loved the snuggling. The second one was at your mimi and grandpa's house, about 40 people came to see you-at one point you were nursing in the bathroom-where it was dark and quite-and before we knew it over 11 people were in there. Only you could bring a party to the bathroom! Then the third party was a bbq at your friend Cash's house-you guys have two sets of matching pjs too. Lots of old friends came to hang out with you there!
(note: there are a ton of pics with all these great people and great moments still on the computer! :) )
In California you also met your cousin Jacob and became buddies, and you bonded with your Uncle Ben over a basketball game. And all of your Aunties are in love with you. Adi fell in love with you, and Steppo made you do a huge belly laugh, and you told your Aunt Candice "I love you," and had a photo shoot with your Auntie Em, and Tia Molls loved mimicking you. Your Oma and Grandpa Cohen bought you lots of fun toys to play with. And your great Oma got attached to you, and loved your pacifier game, as did your great grandma Ruby, she called you a cutie and just fell in love with you and kept talking about how smart you are. And your mimi and grandpa were crazy about you and mimi even cuddled you in her bed-you liked that. Also your cousin Leyla fell in love with you, and as soon as you woke up she had to hold you (and she's only three). You saw lots of other people and had lots of photos taken, boy you melted so many hearts!
Also you had your first Passover-you slept through that, but still wore your kippah.
You also had your friend Jack-who is 3 months older-come to visit. His mom, Andy, is one of my good friends and that visit was our first reunion since your papa and I got married.
You have lots of friends in our building, Jen from upstairs especially loves you!
You still spend lots of time with Christine and Lydia and Teri and Nora. And you love those girls.
The other day we went to hang out with Nora while her mommy went to an appointment. And to entertain you I put on some music and while you were on the playmat and Nora in her vibrating chair I sang and danced for you. And I loved it. That memory will always bring me a smile. I was just being silly and you two were both looking at me with adoring eyes and full of wonder. If you had words it was as if you both were saying "Wow, look at her, that is amazing! I am having fun" You guys were so happy together, then both at the same time had a dirty diaper and near melt downs but after a change some food and a cuddle you both fell fast to sleep.
You love to talk during church, and I never know what to do, stay and listen to the sermon or go in the children's area.
Also your four month birthday was on mother's day. You and your daddy made me a nice card with photos and bought me a cute dress, and at church I got lots of flowers, then you guys took me to Brooklyn for brunch and an afternoon at the park and my favorite bookstore. The best part was just being with my guys!
in Dumbo, Brooklyn |