20 weeks!!!

They say he is the size of a banana-but the doctor told us this week he is actually two weeks advanced in size!! So he is way beyond banana now! ;)

Papa and Mama

Love...my two boys!
I like to hold my baby and move him around in there! :)

All belly! ;)
So we had an adventure at the beach last weekend...and adventure it was. We were excited to have one last beach day before fall comes-although it still feels like summer here-and were on the train headed to the sand and the waves when...the conductor kicked Mike and I off the train in the middle of NO WHERE, "Hey you and your girlfriend have to get off the train!"he growled. Why? Well I didn't know that they only accepted cash on the train unlike other railroad lines in NYC so I was 4 dollars short so instead of letting us pay when we got to our destination-which was the last stop, we were sent off in what felt like the middle of nowhere and no one was there, with the next train maybe coming in an hour.
What do you do when your pregnant and all you want to do is rest in the sun and tan your belly and swim and relax with your husband....you cry that's what you do.
We were told there were no more trains coming and some random bus could take us back into the city and we'd have to wait for an uncertain amount of time on a random sidewalk for it to come.
I cried and cried. Really.
Finally Mike-thank God-decided we should pray that God could redeem our day. May I add that we were already going on a late beach trip hoping to arrive by 2:45 so it was now the mid afternoon. So he prayed over us, I said I couldn't bc I was too worked up. And then woosh I train was on its way...and it passed us. "Dont give up hope," Mike said.
And then low and behold the next train to the beach arrived!!
And really God did redeem the day, yea we didnt make it to the beach till four but lets just say we didnt get home till ten-we swam and read and laughed and played and napped and ate! Fun Fun Fun.
So here is the evidence of our fun day!