Africa Mercy-
My heart aches for you...its turned into a dull almost distant pain...
I hate that what absorbed my life only a few weeks ago now feels a world away...the sights, sounds, and smells, the work, the people, and friends- that filled my soul, that fed my soul- feels at times like a dream...I want to grasp that time again but it is past....ahh and I am left with a dull pain and a lifetime full of memories and experiences - my special gift from God just for me...that even now I have not been able to process...I don't know how to process...while I share with others I find it hard to express all you were to me Togo, all that you gave me lord and what I saw- the significance of it all that now in New York with life moving so fast seems surreal...but I don't want to forget...forget the need, forget the hope, forget the people, forget the gift...Oh lord help me hold this in my heart....and now here at home with no one who has shared that experience with me I feel at times alone...And now as I organize video footage for a short documentary I am scared...I want to honor my friend Kossi, his story, I want to give viewers a glimpse into his life, into a world unknown by many in the United States, I want to educate people and inspire people, motivate people through the story of one boy...but I am scared...Oh Lord my desire is for my video work to have purpose also to communicate to people with visuals and audio...this is your story...oh lord help me to tell it. So if you read this pray that by His grace and mercy I will be able to give others a glimpse into the life of one boy-Kossi DeLou. (pictured with me at the top)
You know many thought this longing I have had for Africa was a fantasy or unrealistic but a passion this strong is never random it is always a gift from God, and I am thankful he taught me to trust him and not the world, because I was MADE for Africa ;)
Oh Lord will you send me again to those living in hiding in shame those rejected or in fear to be your hands and feet and serve alongside others from around the world who also love you?